The Cabin in the Woods

As just about anyone who knows me can attest, I often make questionable life decisions. Granted, most of those decisions have been thoroughly weighed in advance to the point where they make perfect sense to me, just maybe not to the casual observer. But other times, I like to be spontaneous with my weird shenanigans.

For example, when stumbling across a cabin in the middle of the woods, within spitting distance of the absolute middle of nowhere, I think it’s safe to assume that most folks have seen enough horror movies to know what would happen if they were to so much as peer inside, let alone - I don’t know - sleep in it for the night. But where would I be as an adventurer if I let Hollywood and common sense dictate my decisions? To me, it’s thoughts like that which instill true horror in my soul. The Terror of a Predictable Life, as it were.

It should come as no surprise, then, that I did find such a cabin during one of my wanderings and (spoiler alert) I did decide to sleep in it. Given that I was not only traveling through the heart of Bigfoot Country but also a short drive from Forks, Washington (home of the Twilight Saga), I figured my biggest concern would be abduction by some sort of supernatural creature. Seeing as how that’s one of the few things that hasn’t happened to me on my trip so far, I figured I would take my chances. Find out more by watching the videos below…IF YOU DARE (dun dun dun).